
Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Anugerah Blogger | Modul Web Development ILP Perai

20190430 | Selasa

1-Salin (copy) Anugerah ini dan letakkan (paste) di blog anda. 
- Pastikan Anugerah ini di label dengan tajuk "AnugerahBlogger"

2- Berikan 5 Fakta menarik mengenai si penghantar Anugerah.

Contoh ayat :

5 Fakta terbaik mengenai Thayabaran: 
1. Baik Hati
2. Kerjasama
3. Tolong menolong
4. Berdikari
5. Suka belajar 

3-Tuliskan 5 perkara tentang diri anda sendiri 

 1. Bertanggungjawab

 2. Amanah

 3. Suka mencari maklumat dalam internet

 4. Selalu memikirkan tentang masa depan saya

5. Minat dalam teknologi baru

4- Sampaikan Anugerah ini kepada 5 orang penulis Blogger yang menjadi pilihan anda dan nyatakan kenapa blog ini menjadi pilihan anda.

 "Anugerah Blogger | Modul Web Development ILP Perai" ini saya anugerahkan kepada :

1. Devindran : Grafiknya menarik, ada info yang boleh dipelajari.
2. Sharil:Grafiknya menarik.
3. Saiful : Grafik menarik dan ada info yang menarik boleh di baca.
4. Thayabaran : Blog kemas dan menarik.
5. Renussha: Artikel berbahasa Inggeris yang menarik untuk dibaca.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Amalan 5S merupakan alat pengurusan persekitaran berkualiti yang dipelopori oleh Jepun dengan penumpuan kepada lima (5) langkah tindakan pelaksanaan yang bermula dengan huruf awalan ‛S yang bermatlamatkan pengurusan amalan kebersihan yang bersistematik. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu dan Shitsuke adalah perkataan Jepun yang diringkaskan menjadi 5S. Dalam Bahasa Melayu memberi maksud Sisih, Susun, Sapu, Seragam dan Sentiasa Amal.

Amalan 5S merupakan teknik yang paling berkesan bagi mewujudkan budaya peningkatan secara berterusan atau dikenali sebagai “Kaizen” dalam Bahasa Jepun. Kaizen adalah cara pembaikan dilakukan secara sedikit demi sedikit tetapi berterusan terutama dalam aktiviti yang berorientasikan manusia dan proses. Bagi menjayakannya, penyertaan dan komitmen yang tinggi diperlukan daripada semua peringkat anggota dalam organisasi.

Hai Semua pada hari 10 April 2019, kami telah buat satu amalan ialah 5s  di kolaj ILP  Perai


Kami menyusunkan wayar-wayar perlu yang secara teratur dan supaya ianya mudah diambil masa yang digunakan.



Kami membersih dan memeriksa tempat kerja secara berkala dan menyeluruhsupaya tiada habuk atau kekotoran di atas lantai


Tuesday, 9 April 2019


Kebesaran tidak dapat dicapai tanpa dedikasi amalan dan ketekunan.


Tenaga kemahiran pengetahuan atau kekuatan.
Masa  menggunakan masa untuk latihan. Kemahiran pengetahuan atau kekuatan yang di peroleh melalui penggunaan masa anda untuk latihan semakin lama latihan semakin tinggi kekuatan


Dia  seperti  buat yang cikgu tidak mengajar dia bahawa

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

10 Most Useful Microsoft Excel Tips

10 Most Useful Microsoft Excel Tips

1. Conditional Formatting

Making sense of our data-rich, noisy world is hard but vital. Used well, Conditional Formatting brings out the patterns of the universe, as captured by your spreadsheet. That's why Excel experts and Excel users alike vote this the #1 most important feature. This can be sophisticated. But even the simplest colour changes can be hugely beneficial. Suppose you have volumes sold by sales staff each month. Just three clicks can reveal the top 10% performing salespeople and tee up an important business conversation.

2. PivotTables

At 4 hours to get to proficiency, you may be put off learning PivotTables, but don't be. Use them to sort, count, total or average data stored in one large spreadsheet and display them in a n1ew table, cut however you want. That's the key thing here. If you want to look only at sales figures for certain countries, product lines or marketing channels, it's trivial. Warning: Make sure your data is clean first!

3. Paste Special

Grabbing (i.e. copying) some data from one cell and pasting it into another cell is one of the most common activities in Excel. But there's a lot you might copy (formatting, value, formula, comments, etc.) and sometimes you won't copy all of it. The most common example of this is where you want to lose the formatting. The place this data is going is your own spreadsheet with your own styling. It's annoying and ugly to plonk in formatting from elsewhere. So just copy the values and all you'll get is the text, number, whatever the value is. The shortcut after copying the cell (Ctrl C) is Alt E S V - easier to do than it sounds. The other big one is Transpose. This flips rows and columns around in seconds. Shortcut Alt E S E

4. Add Multiple Rows


Probably one of the most frequently carried out activities in spreadsheeting. Ctrl Shift + is the shortcut, but actually it takes longer than just right-clicking on the row numbers on the left of the Excel display. So Right Click is our recommendation. And if you want to add more than one, select as many rows or columns as you'd like to add and then Right Click and add.

5. Absolute References

Indispensable! The dollar in front of the letter fixes the column, the dollar sign in front of number fixes the row, F4 toggles through the four possible combinations. Try it out with the following exercise. Type out three foods horizontally in cells B1, C1, D1 (Olives, Granola, Tomatoes) and three colours in cells A2, B2, C2 (Green, Blue, Yellow). Now type in cell B2 '=A2&" "&B1'. Congratulations: Green Olives! Now - and here's the exercise - add dollar signs so that when you copy the formula across you get green everything. Or just Granola, but of diffrent colours.Experment

6. Print Optimisation

Everyone has problems printing from Excel. But imagine if what you printed were always just what you intended. It IS possible. But there are a few components to this: print preview, fit to one page, adjusting margins, print selection, printing headers, portrait vs landscape and spreadsheet design. Invest the time to get comfortable with it. You'll be carrying out this task many, many times in your working life.

7. Extend Formula Across/Down 

The beauty of Excel is its easy scalability. Get the formula right once and Excel will churn out the right calculation a million times. The + cross hair is handy. Double clicking it will take it all the way down if you have continuous data. Sometimes a copy and paste (either regular paste or paste formulas) will be faster for you

8. Flash Fill


Excel developed a mind of its own in 2013. Say you have two columns of names and you need to construct email addresses from them all. Just do it for the first row and Excel will work out what you mean and do it for the rest. Pre-2013 this was possible but relied on a combination of functions (FIND, LEFT, &, etc). Now this is much faster and WILL impress people. If Flash Fill is turned on (File Options Advanced) it should just start working as you type. Or get it going manually by clicking Data > Flash Fill, or Ctrl E.


This is one of the most powerful combinations of Excel functions. You can use it to look up a value in a big table of data and return a corresponding value in that table. Let's say your company has 10,000 employees and there's a spreadsheet with all of them in it with lots of information about them like salary, start date, line manager etc. But you have a team of 20 and you're only really interested in them. INDEX-MATCH will look up the value of your team members (these need to be unique like email or employee number) in that table and return the desired information for your team. It is worth getting your head around this as it is more flexible and therefore more powerful than vlookups

10. Filters

Explore data in a table quickly. Filtering effectively hides data that is not of interest. Usually there's a value (e.g. Blue cars) that you're looking for and Filters will bring up those and hide the rest. But in more modern versions of Excel, you can now also filter on number values (e.g. is greater than, top 10%, etc), and cell colour. Filtering becomes more powerful when you need to filter more than one column in combination e.g. both colours and vehicles to find your blue car. Alt D F F is the shortcut (easier than it sounds - give it a go). Conditional Formatting and Sorting serve related purposes. Sorting involves rearranging your spreadsheet, which is intrusive and may not be desirable. Conditional formatting brings visualisation. Filtering is fast and effective. Choose well.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Bagaimana Mengurus Maklumat

  Infografik adalah representasi visual informasi, data atau ilmu pengetahuan secara grafis. Grafik ini memperlihatkan informasi rumit dengan singkat dan jelas,[1] seperti pada papan, peta, jurnalisme, penulisan teknis, dan pendidikan. Melalui infografik, ilmuwan komputer, matematikawan dan statistikawan mampu mengembangkan dan mengomunikasikan konsep menggunakan satu simbol untuk memproses informasi. Saat ini, infografik ada di segala bentuk media, mulai dari hasil cetakan biasa dan ilmiah hingga papan dan rambu jalan. Infografik mengilustasikan informasi yang memiliki sedikit teks, dan berperan sebagai ringkasan visual untuk konsep sehari-hari seperti rambu berhenti dan jalan.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Jawapan Quiz 1

Jawapan Quiz 1

1. Apakah itu Kanban? Jelaskan Fungsinya.( 3 Markah )
-Fungsi Kanban ialah untuk menghasilkan sebuah jadual/peringatan tentang kerja-kerja yang perlu di hendak di lakukan...

2. Jelaskan fungsi Pomodoro dan nyatakan 3 kebaikannya ? 
( 5 Markah )

-Dapat mengatur masa dengan lebih cermat
-Dapat melatih diri untuk menjimat masa
-Dapat mendisiplinkan diri tentang pentingnya masa

3. Apakah itu Blog ? Apakah bezanya dengan email ? 
(2 Markah)

-Email digunakan secara sendiri manakala blog boleh di paparkan secara umum

4. Apakah kegunaan Embeded? 

(2 Markah)

-embeded digunakan untuk mengepost balik gambar atau video untuk dimasukan ke HTML di dalam blog

Incredible Car Build

Hello World

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